Monday, January 23, 2012

Keep Blogging!

Hello, Hepworth Studio!

I just wanted to send out a few reminders..... but first, I wanted to express my excitement to be working with such a strong and talented group of people.  This might be our best semester yet!

Some things to keep in mind:
1.  BLOG--once a week; include your assignments, your reflections about practice and performance, and your worries or concerns about repertoire and/or technique (if applicable).
2. Start working on your character studies.
3.  All copied music is due to Phil by the end of this week....your grade will be reduced.
4.  We only have 12 weeks (after this week) left in the semester...divide this by your total songs, and that should give you a good idea of how many you have to memorize per week.
5.  Senior recitals---get your jury scheduled and turn in your Junior/Senior recital request form ASAP.
6. Keep track of which Tuesdays you sing---get those to the office before noon on Mondays!
7.  Keep up the good work---we are off to a running start!

Your biggest fan,

Dr. H.

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